Sergeant At Arms (SAA)
- Starts the meeting on time (at start of meeting and after refreshment break).
- Introduces guests at the start of the meeting before passing the time to TME.
- If physical chapter meeting: Ensures the chapter meeting room is set up with the proper layout, as well as the preparation of food and drinks.
Quick Guide
Here is some guide with regards to performing the meeting SAA role (within online Zoom Chapter Meeting):
Before Meeting Starts
- Login by 7pm if possible to greet and welcome guests who enter the zoom room
- At 730pm, check in with VPE Hamzah that we can start the meeting.
During the Meeting
- Start the meeting, welcome everyone and introduce yourself
- Get guests to introduce themselves. Depends on no of guests, can ask them to answer a one sentence qn. Eg. Name, ClubHow did you get to know us? What one thing that put a smile on your day? You may want to post the questions on the chat if you wish to
- Introduce TME - u might have to text TME to ask for his intro.
- At the end of the prepared speech segment, post on chat the speaker names and time taken by each speaker, e.g. Hyder: 7 min, Diana: 6min 50s, Max: 7min 10s
- Break time: continue to help to engage the guests
- Table topics (if any), for each speaker, post on chat the name of speaker and topic selected so the audience can tell what topic they are speaking on.
Sample Sergeant-at-Arms Script
The Script
Terrific Thursday evening to one and all!
And welcome to our chapter meeting for Tampines Changkat Toastmasters! My name is _ and I will be your Sergeant-At-Arms that is in charge of kicking off the meeting on time for tonight :)
Before handing it over to the Toastmaster of the Evening, we do have quite a number of guests around. In the interest of time, maybe we can have some guests to introduce themselves. For the guests, apart from who you are, please let us know how did you get to know us and ____________________.
Note: the last question can be something related to the themed chapter meeting. Improvise, and be imaginative, as well as interactive for the guests.
Thank you! And without further ado, allow me to introduce to you the Toastmaster of the Evening.
<get TME’s introduction>
Let’s put our hands together and welcome <TME’s TM title>, Toastmaster <TM Name>!